EXP #4 If You Just Got To Know Me


 (This is actually part of a children's book I wrote.)
When I was a kid, I didn’t fit in
Being smart meant in school work I’d always win
The kids called me smarty pants and Ms know it all
At recess, no one would pass me the ball
But if you just got to know me than maybe you’d see
There’s not much difference between you and me
I may be smart but I like to have fun too
If you let me I’d like to be friends with you

When I was a kid, people thought I was dumb
It’s just for me school work wasn’t much fun
When I didn’t have the answers kids called me lame
I’d rather be outside playing some really fun game
But if you just got to know then maybe you’d see
There’s not much difference between you and me
 The way that I learn takes a little more time
But that doesn’t mean something’s wrong with my mind

When I was a kid, I said funny words
I couldn’t stop them from coming, they wanted to be heard
At times when I’m scared they really fight to come out
It’s harder to control so I cover my mouth
But if you just got to know me then maybe you’d see
There’s not much difference between you and me
 I can be the best friend that you can get
I’m not a bad kid, I just have Tourettes

When I was a kid, I couldn’t climb stairs
My legs didn’t work, so I sat in a chair
The wheels were real big a got in the way
At recess, I watched the other kids play
But if you just got to know me then maybe you’d see
There’s not much difference between you and me
I like playing games too and I want to have fun
I’m good at sports; I use wheels when I run

When I was a kid, I couldn’t sit still
It was like my body had its own will
The teacher would tell me to stop moving around
The kids would laugh as I stomped on the ground
But if you just got to know me then maybe you’d see
There’s not much difference between you and me
I have ADHD.  It makes focusing hard
But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a good heart

When I was a kid, I couldn’t wear hats
My hair was real curly and wouldn’t lay flat
The other girls would tease me and not let me play
They’d turn their backs and say, “go away”
But if you just got to know me then maybe you’d see
There’s not much difference between you and me
With hair like mine, such funs things I can do
If you let me I can show them to you

When I was a kid, I loved basketball
But the kids all teased me ‘cuz I was so tall
They’d laugh, say “how’s the weather up there?”
When I’d sit sometimes they’d pull away my chair
But if you just got to know me then maybe you’d see
There’s not much difference between you and me
Besides sports I can do many things right
I tell scary stories that would give you a fright

When I was a kid, I couldn’t catch, run or kick
When they’d make teams at recess I never got picked
I heard words like clumsy and two left feet
If I was on a team they were sure to get beat
But if you just got to know me then maybe you’d see
There’s not much difference between you and me
I’m not good at sports but I can still stake my claim
With support, stats, and coaching to help win the game
So kids remember when someone’s different from you
There are many, many things that they’re able to do
Take time to reach out and learn who they are
You will find you have more in common by far
So instead of turning your back and walking away
Say hello and invite them to come and play
We are different and that’s what makes us unique
Smart, talented, outgoing, athletic or meek
So when you tease, mock, and bully or allow others to
Ask this one question;
How would you feel if it happened to you?


  1. As the older brother in Sivee's world who experienced very similar circumstances, i can relate to a past filled with poindexter references about myself. I therefore spent a life of running away from the family of my torment, because the words from the world were more easily deflected. None but Sivee ever got to know anything about me, but even then i ran never knowing if she had faced the same negative rhetoric of our family. Heck i'm not even sure if she will forgive me... I don't know if she'll delete this comment, but i'd like to get to know you again and maybe this time my two left shoes may lead to a dance :)/


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